Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy birthday to me!

It's my birthday!




I guess nobody really shares my fervor for this, huh?  Well, except these people!

Vince Carter (1/26/77) NBA
'98-'99 Rookie of the Year, 8-time All-Star, 24th all-time in points per game.  Oh, and he did this and this.

Ellen Degeneres (1/26/58) TV
Host of the show "Ellen" (I know you're shocked), amateur dancer, professional lesbian (not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just that there's really not much to say here)

Wayne Gretzky (1/26/61) NHL
50 years old today, "The Great One" was an 18-time All Star, 1st all-time in goals, assists, and points, and is considered the greatest hockey player of all time.

Douglas MacArthur (1/26/1880) USA
Dude was one of the greatest generals in US Military history.  Look it up.

Paul Newman (1/26/25) Salad Dresser, Actor
Apparently a 9-time Oscar nominee (one-time winner for "The Color of Money"), but we really know him as the Newman's Own salad dressing guy, come on.

Gene Siskel (1/26/46) Movie Critic
I give this guy's career two thumbs up!  Oh wait, that's copyrighted.  Damn.

Bob Uecker (1/26/35) MLB
Still kickin' after some health troubles, he's been the Milwaukee Brewers' announcer since 1971, and was given the monaker "Mr. Baseball" by Johnny Carson.

Eddie Van Halen (1/26/55) Musician
Guitarist for the band Van Halen.  Bet you didn't know that.  Bet I couldn't name a single song by them. Runnin' with the Devil.  There.  All right, I looked it up, but so what? It's my birthday!

Alex Vigderman (1/26/90) Student
21-time All Star (according to my mom), 2 career Little League home runs, 0 career soccer goals, an uncounted but large amount of 3-point attempts in basketball, and 2010 Frameshmania Fantasy Football League champion

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